What types of financing can support commoning?

Choose Commons-Friendly Financing
It is important to combine several forms of financing and to make sure that none undermines the social integrity of the commons or leads to financial dependencies. Community-supported or solidarity-based sources of financing are ideal, as they themselves are an expression of commoning.
# Examples - Shared economies that rely on funds from their participants and supporters, or that share money among themselves. Examples include mutual insurance (Artabana), upfront contributions by members (Community Supported Agriculture), and online communities (Enspiral, using CoBudget software). - Crowdfunding : either via direct campaigns or commons-specific crowdfunding platforms like Goteo - Commons-friendly private sources of money or state financial instruments that don’t have strings attached. Simple donations and an unconditional basic income can be benign. See, especially, systems that are designed with the participation of those affected, such as in this basic income plan in Namibia .