What roles do producers and users play?

Make & Use Together
The production of useful things requires the involvement of all those who want them. This pattern applies no matter whether production is for individual, common or general public use, in both *do it together* (DIT) or *do it yourself* (DIY) modes of production, and in circumstances when individuals are producing in a collective setting. Make and use Together helps assure that people’s needs are incorporated into the outcomes.
> Anyone who has something to contribute can help create something of use. But this requires taking account of a person’s talents, capacities, and needs during the production process.
# Examples
- Collective production in open workshops : e.g. makerspaces, Fab Labs. A Transition Town Initiative produced cargo-carrying bicycles in a collective workshop that are now available for the general public to borrow.
- In the Atelier Paysan workshop which develops farm equipment in an open source fashion, developers, engineers, and farmers coordinate their labor to produce agricultural machines needed for the circumstances at hand.
- In CSAs
, the boundaries between producing and consuming are sometimes blurred, as when members work regular shifts in the fields or pick their own beans or strawberries.
# Anschlussmuster