How do we manage information, knowledge, code and designs?

Share Knowlede Generously source
Knowledge grows exponentially and benefits more people when it is shared. This is why commoners prefer to share knowledge rather than exploit it for private gain. Accessible information can be used to educate and be adapted to one’s own needs before being shared once again. This free sharing of knowledge within a commons is not just generative; it is necessary for making consent-based decisions that engender trust.
# Examples
- Online collaborations for building a computer operating system (e.g. Linux ), making open-source blueprints available (e.g., Open Source Ecology , Wikihouse and Vivihouse ).
- Open-access publishing of books, texts and other content using Creative Commons licenses (e.g., Open Access Publishing Directory, Public Library of Science).
- Establishing new initiatives such as community land trusts and Transition Towns
- Contributing red links on wikis to signal that missing information needs to be found and inserted (e.g. Wikipedia).
- Sharing knowledge via mailing lists, listservs, and federated wikis.
# Related Patterns - Contribute & Share - Make & Use Together - Consent in Decision Making - Creatively Adapt & Renew - Use Convivial Tools