Are different types of knowledge taken into account?

Trust Situated Knowing
"We know more that we can tell," writes philosopher Michael Polanyi![]()
Much of our knowledge remain unspoken, in the form of wisdom or intuition. These types of knowledge are bound up in our bodies and tied to specific places, experiences, and social environments. Such knowledge is essential to solving problems. Allowing different types of knowledge and perspectives to be heard – and not just credentialed expertise -- helps ensure that no single version ever dominates by default.
Life finds its own expression, in its own voice and tonalities, in the human body, situated knowing, and the diversity of living systems.
# Examples - Experienced mountain climbers have learned how to assess the stability of snow bridges. - Soccer players know how to anticipate where the ball will land, how it will bounce, and how fast it will get to a given spot. - Permaculture designers emphasize how important individual observation is for cultivation . - The Transition Town movement identifies three equally important sources of knowledge in creating a “post-fossil-fuel world” -- your head, heart and hands, or rationality, emotions, and actions. - Indigenous peoples have developed subtle, sophisticated systems of knowledge about the plants and animals within their particular ecosystems.