Who determines the price when it is unavoidable to buy or sell in markets?

Trade with Price-Sovereignty
In a market economy, it is difficult for a commons to completely avoid the use of money and price as an indicator of value. But prevailing market prices are not the guiding standard for commoners. When offering their goods or services to others, they essentially ignore market prices and set prices that cover costs and are seen as fair. They assert a “price sovereignty” by setting prices that reflect, as best as possible, actual costs or the needs of their trading partners.
# Examples
- Cecosesola has worked according to this pattern for decades, operating large, crisis-proof community markets in the state of Lara, Venezuela. - The producers receive what they need, and the consumers purchase the food at a standard price, far below the market price. No intermediary trading is necessary.
- Open access journals such as the Public Library of Science journals
request funds from contributing authors to underwrite the costs of publishing a journal article, while offering the entire journal to the general public at no cost.