What makes communication successful?

Communicate with Care & Empathy
Communicating with care and empathy means communicating one's own needs and limitations honestly and respectfully. This requires suitable environments and reflection on the quality of one's own communication style. In face to face conversation, active listening and heartfelt expression is important. These habits should inform concrete agreements, occasionally checked, for how people communicate with each other.
# Examples
- A good rule of thumb is to speak from the heart and listen from the heart.
- Practice nonviolent communication
Agree on rules for making comments in digital spaces.
- Choose communication methods that allow all participants to speak without time constraints, e.g. reserve time for specific situations or do a speaking round using a talking stick.
- Anticipate how much time different groups need to speak.
# Related Patterns
- Cultivate Shared Purpose & Values - Preserve Relationships in Addressing Conflicts - Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust